Whether you are looking for help with PTSD, Complex Trauma, Anxiety, Depression, or any other symptom, we can help!
Individual Sessions can be great if you are looking for weekly therapy with any of the modalities we offer including EMDR, ART, Somatic Experiencing, or Coherence Therapy. All of these modalities can significantly decrease symptoms and help create lasting change.
Experience the transformative power of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), a cutting-edge approach to trauma therapy harnessing the innate capabilities of the human mind. With over three decades of refinement, backed by extensive peer-reviewed research and real-world success stories, EMDR stands at the forefront of modern trauma treatment globally.
Discover Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART), a scientifically proven rapid-eye-movement therapy designed to address anxiety, trauma, depression, PTSD, sleep disturbances, self-esteem issues, and more. Extensive research confirms that ART delivers swift and lasting results, with clients maintaining their progress for a minimum of four months post-treatment.
Opting for a private intensive presents a unique opportunity for profound healing within a condensed timeframe compared to traditional weekly therapy sessions. We offer individual and couples intensities. Our philosophy centers on the belief that resolving core issues swiftly leads to a more fulfilling and successful life journey.